

Bill from Rep. Curtis passes; will disclose if appliances have recording devices

Spending deal averts a possible federal shutdown and funds the government into December

WASHINGTON, DC — Refrigerators or dishwashers that have microphones or recording devices might sound like a campy sci-fi movie plot, but they are already on the market, and possibly in a kitchen near you!

That's why Utah Representative John Curtis introduced the Informing Consumers about Smart Devices Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday.

After the bill passed, Rep. Curtis said that, "This common sense and bipartisan bill ensure consumers are aware of the recording capabilities of items they are putting in their homes, while also balancing flexibility for companies who are developing smart technologies."

This bipartisan legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), will require the FTC to create disclosure guidelines for products that have audio or visual recording components, such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, and dishwashers that are "clearly not obvious."

These recording devices can transmit data, therefore impinging on consumers' expectation of privacy, as few believe their dishwasher can record their conversations.

Consumer advocacy groups and technology companies support this legislation, which will now be heard in the Senate, where it was introduced by Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA).