PHOTOS: Perseid meteor shower delivers stellar views to Utah

"Was out by knolls to get away from the light pollution, Got a few pics of the meteor shower but this was the only bright one!"Chris Mullins
"It's been quite a long time since I've attempted a Milky Way shot but I think it turned out ok also i didn't want to stay up till 2 pm for the main meteor shower but I was lucky enough to catch a few anyway. Strawberry Reservoir."Kim Kowallis
"We spent the night and early morning trying to capture the Perseid meteor shower. We seen many more than we actually captured and it was a very fun experience!"Luz Hernandez
Luz Hernandez
Luz Hernandez
Luz Hernandez
Luz Hernandez
"I got two shots last night. This one was the hardest. The biggest problem photographing an old guy in a night shot is getting him to stay perched on the rock for 20 seconds and not fall off."Ellen Kowallis
"I spent the meteor shower in Capitol Reef this weekend. I didn't capture any meteors however I got plenty of space traffic!"Jessica Richardson