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Video of shocking close calls with Utah trains shared during safety week


SALT LAKE CITY — Close calls involving people almost getting hit by trains happen more than you may think, with a video compilation being shared during Rail Safety Week in Utah.

The US Department of Transportation reports more than 5,800 accidents happen each year across the country near railroad crossings.

Those types of incidents lead to on average, 600 deaths and 2,300 injuries per year.

Utah Transit Authority has those statistics on the forefront of Rail Safety Week in the Beehive State, where officials are traveling around northern Utah to remind potential passengers that every second counts.

In a video shared by UTA, multiple people are seen either not paying attention or thinking they could "beat" a train and almost getting hit in the process.

While nobody was hit or injured by trains in the video, it's a shocking reminder that safety around railroads is essential.

UTA has eight main tips to ensure your experience riding public transportation in Utah is a positive one:

  1. Don't go around gates
  2. Don't be distracted
  3. Don't race to beat trains
  4. Make sure to hold children's hands
  5. Stay behind yellow lines
  6. Look both ways before crossing the rails
  7. Wait for red lights
  8. Stop for trains

Though the tips may feel like common sense, that's almost the point. By taking just a moment to look up, put away distractions and use common sense, you greatly minimize safety risks around Utah's rails and trains.
To drive home Rail Safety Week in Utah, officials will be out and about the rest of the week, spreading the word.

On Tuesday, law enforcement will take to the streets to talk to people about safety at three UTA stations. They'll be positioned at Midvale Fort Union, Central Pointe and Provo Central to try to educate as many passengers as possible.

Wednesday, the educational experiences continue with training for new truck drivers at Tooele Technical College.

To wrap up the week, officials will target safety for high schools and students ahead of Friday night lights.

The goal of the week is to help even just one passenger realize the importance of exercising caution while crossing railroads and to prevent potentially devastating situations from happening.