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Utahns making last-minute preparations for Halloween


SALT LAKE CITY — Parents and families are flocking to grocery stores and costume shops to buy all the last-minute outfit pieces and bags of candy needed for Halloween.

For Halloween-lover Amber Gay, nothing is scarier than being unprepared.

“My day’s just been crazy. Just all the last-minute things you need to do for Halloween,” she said. “You could definitely see there’s a lot of people grabbing their last-minute candy and their bags and their treats.”

Gay is expecting to be visited by 300 trick-or-treaters. Her home is embellished in scary decorations and creepy creatures that pop out at you as you walk to her front door.

“Some people love it and some kids never make it to my porch cause they’re crying,” she said. “Everybody has that one house that was the creepy house that you liked going to. It kind of scared you but also fun and exciting. We try to be that house.”

At Spirit Halloween in Salt Lake City, shoppers like eighth-grader Kwaku Dubeng visited the store with an open mind.

“I bought a wolf costume and it comes with a full-on suit and a mask,” he said.

Other customers like Annie Holmstead stopped by with a specific costume idea. She found herself spending $50 for a sheriff costume, when she only needed the mustache and badge.

She regrets not ordering everything in a timely manner that would have saved her money.

“I’m justifying the price of this for the two little things that I needed,” she laughed.