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Utahns impacted by China ending foreign adoptions of children


LEHI, Utah — China's recent decision to no longer allow foreign adoption of the nation's children is set to impact U.S. families across the country, including Utah.

“We hoped to adopt a child with Down syndrome, and we were led to China,” said Brady Murray. “In 2016, we were able to finalize that adoption and brought home Cooper, who was then four years old, and he's been an amazing addition in our family.”

Murray is the founder of RODS Heroes, a nonprofit that inspires families to adopt children with Down syndrome or other unique circumstances.

China decision is expected to impacting hundreds of families in the U.S. The adoption process can be incredibly long and emotional, and Murray’s heart goes out to those with pending adoption applications who will no longer be bringing home a child.

“I know there's many, many families in Utah that have adopted from China,” he said. “There's a lot of families right now that we're in the process of adopting from China that are right here in Utah. There is no question they will mourn that, and it's just like losing a child.”

Murray added that one good thing to come from the Chinese decision is that it could give a chance for other children from around the world to find loving families.

“There are kids right here in Utah that need adoption,” said Murray. “There are kids right now, waiting for family to be able to answer the call to adopt.”