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Utah nonprofits ask for help to fulfill holiday wishes for kids in need


CACHE COUNTY, Utah — It's been a tough year financially for many Utah families and nonprofits are asking for some extra help to make the season a little more magical for kids in need.

"People who were able to help last year are now finding themselves in need this year so I just think with inflation grocery prices rent increases gas prices," Van Noy said. "I think it's been a difficult year all around for a lot of people."

Holiday nonprofit organizations like Cache Valley Toys for Tots and Santa's Secret Gift Shop explained they're also feeling the impact of a difficult year.

"This year is a lot slower I would say that we're kind of behind on the amount of gifts compared to previous years," said Santa's Secret Gift Shop volunteer Laura Van Noy.

Despite hours of sacrifice and work from volunteers, leaders say it just isn't enough.

"It makes me sad sometimes that keeps me up at night that I want to help more but I can't because my hands are tied," said Toys for Tots Cache Valley Coordinator Melanie Sweet.

Sweet explained that last year, each child was able to receive four stocking stuffers, but this year that number has been cut in half, with each child only receiving two.

It's a deeply personal organization to Sweet as she benefitted from the program at one point in her life.

"I was in this predicament back when I first divorced my husband," she explained. "I was hurting to get my kids a Christmas so this touches my heart"

But Sweet and Van Noy said that even if you can just spare a small amount, it'll put a smile on a child's face.