SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault has two new phone numbers to connect survivors of sexual assault to resources anywhere in Utah.
The English number is 801-736-4356 and the Spanish number is 801-924-0860.
Bethany Crisp, outreach coordinator at the coalition, said some counties previously had their own phone numbers. The new lines are meant to streamline the process of finding services – from law enforcement to therapy and more – no matter where in Utah the callers live.
“Let's say, they have had a hard time with their case going through the criminal justice system,” Crips said, “and is just having a really difficult time, they can call to talk about it then.
“Or if they're looking for resources, let's say, for example, they live in Utah County, we would then connect them with the Refuge, which is their local organization, which would have free therapy for them and their family.”
If minors call, or an adult calls to discuss abuse against a child, the operators must make a report to law enforcement, Crisp said.