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UTA shares close call 'greatest hits' ahead of Rail Safety Week


SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Transit Authority knows that sometimes words don't drive home the point like video evidence does.

Ahead of Rail Safety Week, which gets underway Monday, UTA has shared what can best be called a "greatest hits" of its trains coming within inches, and sometimes closer, of crashing into pedestrians and vehicles near the railways.

Last year, more than 36 railway incidents in Utah resulted in 12 fatalities and 11 injuries. Nationwide, those numbers total more than 3,800 railway incidents which resulted in nearly 1,200 fatalities and more than 1,400 injuries.

To keep people safe near railways, UTA has offered these eight tips:

  • Don't go around gates
  • Don't be distracted
  • Don't race to beat trains
  • Make sure to hold children's hands
  • Stay behind yellow lines
  • Look both ways before crossing the rails
  • Wait for red lights
  • Stop for trains