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Tracy Aviary reports missing cockatoo found safe

and last updated

UPDATE (Saturday, March 13): Tracy Aviary reported Saturday morning that Matilda was located just one block from the aviary thanks to a tip.

Original story:

SALT LAKE CITY — A bird was blown out of Tracy Aviary by the wind Friday afternoon, and it was still missing as of Friday night.

The aviary wrote in a Facebook post that its red-tailed black cockatoo named "Matilda" was out flying when she was blown away.

Matilda was last seen heading west away from Liberty Park, where the aviary is stationed, around 3 p.m. Employees have been looking for the bird all day, but have not found her yet.

"She is a strong flier and there is a broad range of possibility on where she could be," the post stated. "We are tremendously concerned for her safety and are now asking our community to help us find her."

If you have seen Matilda, you're asked to call 585-278-6171 with a time and location of the sighting.

They provided the following descriptions to help the public identify her:
- About 20" body length (a bit larger than a crow)
- Beak will be hooked, but from a distance look rounded
- Orange-red and black under-tail
- Broad wings in flight, with deep wingbeats and tail spread wide
- Look for the crest (head feathers raised)