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Top two candidates for Ogden Mayor officially announce run for general elections


OGDEN, Utah — We are exactly two months away from the general election, and the top two Ogden city mayor candidates from the primary have officially announced their intent to run.

On Thursday, Ben Nadolski formally announced his run in the general election for the seat of Ogden city mayor. “We are here today to announce again together that we are still running for mayor.”

This is about a week after Taylor Knuth announced his campaign for the general election.

From seven candidates in the primary for the seat of Ogden city mayor, we are officially down to two – Taylor Knuth and Ben Nadolski. Both with priorities to help improve their city.

“It starts with people, it ends with people,” said Nadolski at the campaign event. “The people that built this town, who live in this town, who go to school in this community, we’re raising our families in this community. We don’t do any of that alone, we’re going to do it together.”

“Residents are eager to be engaged,” said Knuth. “Moving forward, our ‘Back to the Basics’ agenda is really resonating with people because people want to live, work and play in a city that values their input and places them at the center of local government, which is exactly what we plan to do.”

Both work on helping local economic growth and small businesses.

“Increasing our grants budget for façade improvements, creating greater accessibility options for disabled residents and visitors to our historic twenty-fifth street, as well as just like working with the incredible educational institutions of our city, like Ogden school district, the tech college and Weber State, in ensuring that our workforce is ready and prepared to join the twenty-first-century economy,” said Knuth.

“We are going to create an opportunity for everybody to participate in Ogden," said Nadolski. "We’re going to create a fair, open, competitive and transparent environment for people to come into Ogden and build this town. The same way that we built America, we’re going to build Ogden."

Nadolski and Knuth hope to work as hard as they can to reach every voter in Ogden.

“We’re going to knock on every voter’s door, we’re going to make sure that you get to hear our message from people who believe in our message, people who believe in me and know me, they know Ogden. And if you’re still not convinced, then I’ll knock on your door,” said Nadolski.

“The change I want to see is on people’s front porch,” said Knuth. “It’s not standing behind a pulpit. It is really engaging face to face with the Ogdenites who are working each and every day to make our city a little bit better than it was the day before.”

Both candidates have also spoken to FOX13 about infrastructure and public safety priorities. And how they want to use the next two months to show Ogden why they should support them as the next mayor.

The general election is on November 21, and all active voters are expected to receive a ballot in the mail the week of October 31.