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St. George community rallies for family of 7-year-old hit by truck


ST. GEORGE, Utah — A 7-year-old with a spitfire personality and lots of talents is how Kate Story describes her niece, Emery Burrows.

"She's been dancing competitively for a while," said Story. "She's a really good soccer player, an adorable little singer."

On Sunday evening Emery was out in her yard playing soccer with her brother when the ball was kicked into the street.

"She looked right, looked left, she looked left there was a car coming, she stopped that car saw her, saw the ball, and stopped," said Story. "Then Emery proceeded to run from that car and didn't see there was a vehicle coming the opposite way."

Emery was hit by a truck. The driver didn't see her come out from the other car; they stayed on the scene as first responders arrived.

"There's nothing they could've done, it's dark you don't see a ball or a kid," she said. "Then all of a sudden there's this little peanut right in front of you."

Emery was taken to St. George Hospital with a compound fracture in her tibia and a traumatic brain injury. She was then flown to a trauma pediatric hospital in Las Vegas.

"She's in and out of consciousness right now, she's breathing on her own, she does have the ability to speak although she hasn't been talking and conversing yet or opened her eyes to make eye contact yet," said Story. "But as far as traumatic brain injury all of those signs are reassuring."

People in St. George, like Briana Cooper, are finding creative ways to support the firecracker 7-year-old. Cooper picked up an extra shift at her salon and says all the money she makes from haircuts, colors, and styles that day will go to Emery and her family.

"Next Thursday, October 5, I'm doing hair, and any proceeds I make and my time I'm going to donate," Cooper said. "It's a really hard situation to go through and I feel like anything will help."

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for Emery's family, but her aunt says the prayers pouring in have sustained her recovery.

"I believe Emery can make a full recovery from this, she is a very determined little girl, and she is so full of love and has so much support," Story said.

A GoFundMe has been set up to support Emery and her family.