WELLSVILLE, Utah — The City of Wellsville in the Cache Valley is continuing to move forward after voting "yes" to a proposal for new housing developments in Sardine Canyon. However, not all community members are happy.
Cars and land currently make up the canyon, but some say it's looking like that could change after the Wellsville city council approved a proposal for a new housing development on 900 acres in Sherwood Hills.
A total of 131 houses will be built in the area.
"It is a beautiful canyon and a pristine area, and we need to save that for generations to come. Once it’s a development you can never go back and it just would be a shame to see that happen," said Glenn Ames, director for the Cache Trails Alliance.
One of their main concerns of those who oppose the development is water, it's contamination and shortage.
"The problem with the development is it’s on the recharge area of Wellsville city spring, that’s what most people are opposed to," said Wellsville Mayor Thomas Bailey.
"I am a concerned citizen of Wellsville. That is our water source, future contamination the way that the groundwater it all comes down in the Wellsville city and we just feel that it’s not an appropriate use of the land," added Ames.
However, members of the city council say they have plans to alleviate the water concerns.
"We’re making sure that they put in a special sewer line that won’t leak in that area, and then making sure of homes that are built out there follow certain standards," Bailey said.
Despite the opposing views, both sides say they just want the other to understand.
"Wellsville City will not hide anything from the public," said Bailey. "They're more than happy to come into the office and they can see anything that we have."
The city council says before they move forward with the project, they’re looking for a way to monitor the groundwater in the springs to make sure Wellsville’s water won’t get polluted.
"I see both sides of the private owners, but the frustrating part is it’s not the best use of land," exclaimed Ames.