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Rep. Burgess Owens signs letter of congratulations to Biden, hopeful for unity

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SALT LAKE CITY — A group of 17 representatives, including Utah Rep, Burgess Owens, wrote a letter to President Biden congratulating him on the beginning of his administration.

In the letter, the freshman class of representatives emphasized their hope that the new administration will bring unity to a divided country.

It reads in part: "We firmly believe that what unites us as Americans is far greater than anything that may ever divide us. In that spirit, we hope that we can rise above the partisan fray to negotiate meaningful change for Americans across the nation and maintain the United States' standing as the best country in the world."

The representatives also push for COVID-19 relief, building up the economy, and preventing technology monopolies.

"We hope to work with you to extend targeted, meaningful coronavirus relief for families and businesses, protect Americans with pre-existing conditions, strengthen and modernize our infrastructure, enforce our antitrust laws against emboldened technology monopolies, and restore our economy struggling in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic," it reads.

Owens said in a tweet that he is proud to stand by his colleagues and hopes for positive change in Utah's fourth district.

"Proud to join my colleagues in signing a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris, pledging to rise above the partisan fray & work towards meaningful change for Utah’s Fourth District and Americans across the nation," he wrote.