
Utahns play role in rescue of Navy crew following jet crash


SAN DIEGO — Employees of a West Haven company on what was supposed to be a leisurely cruise in San Diego Bay were witnesses to a shocking event with a miraculous ending.

The employees of Trace Minerals were in Southern California on a fishing boat in the bay Wednesday as part of an incentive trip. It wasn't long before their fishing excursion turned into a rescue operation after a Navy jet plunged into the water.

"It looked like it was taking off from the runway," said Carol Gonzalez, an Ogden resident on the trip. "I saw the afterburners, and then next thing you know, you see it kind of skidding... and so I saw the parachutes, and that's when I realized something's not right."

The E/A-18G Growler with one pilot and his weapons officer was on a "go-around maneuver" where the plane landed and took off again.

"Plane kept going, went up into the clouds where I couldn't see it anymore," Gonzalez explained, "and the next thing you know, we see it coming straight down into the water."

The two Naval personnel were able to eject from the jet before it hit the water. Luckily, the fishing boat with the Utah employees was nearby and rescued the men.

"We were all just concerned for [the men] and asked them if they were
okay, do they need anything? And they were both, you know, they both said that they were okay," said Gonzalez. "They kind of looked each other over, gave each other a big hug.

"I mean, i'm sure they are glad they both made it out of there safely and were able to walk onto the boat and then from our boat to the other boat to be taken in for medical attention."

An investigation into the crash is underway and some Utah residents have quite the story to tell when they get back to the office.