SALT LAKE CITY — As Muslims around the world are observing the holy month of Ramadan, some Utahns are using this as an opportunity to share their faith with others.
"I love everything about Ramadan. It’s just so peaceful and joyful, it's different,” said Jasmin Annamamedova. She is 16 years old and has been attending events hosted by the youth committee at the Utah Islamic Center.
"I want to be a resource for my Muslim sisters and this has really opened a lot of doors for me,” said Salla Fall, who is on the youth committee. She helps host events and programs for kids and teens to learn more about their Muslim faith.
"Maybe they will come to the masjid with their parents or family, but getting them to come on their own time is the main goal of the youth committee,” explained Fall.
Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. Muslims fast without food and water from sunrise to sunset and stay away from bad habits as well while praying multiple times throughout the day. It’s also a time for people to come to the masjid together and have breakfasts with the community, called ‘Iftaar.’
Through the month, the youth committee is hosting events like making sweet treats to give out and doing embroidery. “It might be hard socializing outside of the masjid and stuff like that, especially at school, so I really feel included and wanted here,” said Annamamedova.
She hopes to share the message of Islam with more people. "Spreading kindness, giving charity, helping out people in need, being humble, putting myself in others' shoes – that’s what being a Muslim means to me.”
While they did embroidery, the girls got to share some of the teachings of the religion, helping them explore the true meaning of Ramadan.
They hope to keep spreading the message of what their faith means to them. "To give them a sense of what Islam truly is, because a lot of people have misconceptions of what it is, and we are peaceful religion,” added Fall.