
Supporters gather as Donald Trump makes Salt Lake City fundraising appearance


SALT LAKE CITY — Former President Donald Trump made a stop in Utah for a fundraising appearance on Saturday.

This comes after weeks after Trump called off a scheduled Park City appearance last month for an unspecified reason.

Robert Axson, the Chairman of the Utah GOP told FOX 13 News the former president felt it was a priority to engage with Utah and reschedule the previous commitments that had been moved.

Around 4 p.m., Trump's plane landed in Salt Lake City, near Salt Lake City International Airport.

Outside, a couple hundred supporters of the former president were there to give him a warm welcome.

"I've never seen a President land, It was just so spiritual, I don't know what else to say," said Stephanie Pena, a Trump supporter from West Jordan.

The rally was organized by Utah Patriots. Their founder, Kish North, says they are a grassroots movement that started about five and a half years ago.

"We didn't know whether we would see President Trump, we didn't know if he'd come by in a motorcade," said North. "But, we definitely wanted to show our support and rally around and just be there."

This marked Trump's first public visit to Utah, since 2017.

"It was a great environment, and everyone was excited, it was, a lot of excitement to at least see his airplane come in and, and taxi and stuff like that," said North.

The former president was on the ground in Salt Lake for about three hours, before taking off around 7:15 p.m.