TREMONTON, Utah — The Tremonton community remains in shock, as well as angry and concerned, after the arrests of two high-profile officials on child sex abuse charges.
“Typical small town, like we’re all family, we love each other, we try to keep an eye out for things that are going wrong and take care of each other,” explained Tremonton resident Jessica Flinn.
Melissa Alvey explained how the town at the center of the horrendous allegations is known for its Mayberry feel.
“Everybody knows each other," she said. "Everybody knows each other's business, which can be good, can be also not good.”
When something happens like the arrest of Tremonton Fire Chief Ned Hansen and Box Elder County Judge Kevin Christensen, the town hopes that they can work through it together as both men remain in police custody in separate jails.
“A lot of anger is circling and people are very upset about what’s been going on,” admitted Flinn.
Former FBI agent explains complexity of judge, fire chief child sex case:
“You hear about people abusing their power and authority, but you kind of hope that it’s exaggerated," added Alvey, "and then you, my heart goes out to those poor kids.”
Hansen and Christensen have been charged with offenses involving child sexual abuse, among other alleged crimes.
While Alvey now wonders who else may be involved, Flinn is concerned that others higher up are involved.
The judge assigned to the case has recused himself, citing a rule that says judges must disqualify themselves if there's a reasonable chance someone could question their impartiality.
Several calls throughout Weber and Box Elder County were unanswered, but Tremonton Mayor Lyle Holmgren said what allegedly occurred has been a shock for the entire community and he wants trust to be restored.
Alvey says she and her friends are sick over what has happened, but they are protecting their peace.
“I just definitely hope that the community leans on each other versus being afraid of each other,” she said. “Just keep trusting that there is still some good in the world.”