SPANISH FORK, Utah — The City Attorney for Payson, Utah is now facing domestic violence charges following an incident on Sunday in Spanish Fork. Jason Keith Sant, 49, is facing charges for assault and unlawful detention.
According to court documents obtained by FOX 13 News, on Sunday the Utah County Sheriff's Office was called to a home in Spanish Fork to assist the Spanish Fork Police Department with a reported domestic violence incident at the home. The Sheriff's Office was called in due to the suspect in the case being a former Spanish Fork prosecuting attorney and his current role with the Payson City Attorney's Office.
The victim told police that she and her husband had an argument that led her to tell the suspect that she intended to leave. According to the victim, as she was attempting to gather her things the suspect threw them off the bed and pushed the victim out of the room, and locked it.
The victim would tell Sant that she needed her keys which were in the bedroom but Sant refused to give her access. Investigators were also told by the victim that Sant had told her in the past that calling the police wouldn't be helpful due to his position as a prosecutor.
Investigators wrote in court documents when they spoke to Jason Sant he denied pushing the victim or preventing her from leaving. However, investigators noted that Sant's statements were inconsistent and didn't line up with observations on the scene and what 911 dispatchers had heard over the phone.
The city of Payson relayed the following statement to FOX 13 News about the allegations, "Payson City became aware that our city attorney, Jason Stant, was arrested last night on charges of Domestic Violance. The city is not aware of the circumstances of the charges. Payson City has placed Mr. Sant on administrative leave until such time as the city can determine the nature and extent of the charges. Payson City takes seriously any type of domestic violence and will work through and monitor the legal process."