
Ogden restaurant re-opens for business under (slightly) new name


OGDEN, Utah — A popular restaurant on 25th Street in Ogden that closed its doors a little over a year ago is now open for business.

Two-Bit Bistro found a new home at the corner of Washington and 25th St. and is ready to open its doors to customers.

"We were always known for our food, so I’m excited that we get a chance to do that again and bring back Two-Bit to people,” said Penny Allred-Dayley. She and her husband ran the previous location, called Two-Bit Street Café, for 20 years.

Janet and Webb Harpe have been going to James and Penny's restaurant since it opened.

"It’s just like being at home,” Janet said.

On Christmas Eve in 2023, Two-Bit served its last meal.

"There was a lot of uncertainty for us, and we were unsure where to put that emotion. But the beauty of it is we were always trying to convert that into: 'We'll see you later,' and not a goodbye situation," said Andrew Shorts, who used to work at the old location and is now a partner in this growing business.

They closed after issues with their landlord but still wanted to be part of the fabric of 25th Street. So they moved into "the Bigelow," which was vacant for about five years, for a fresh start.

"It’s been terrific. It’s been so exciting. It’s been slow at first because we wanted to make sure that we were ready for people... and then it's just now starting and it’s just been overwhelming,” said Penny. “It’s been so nice seeing a lot of people.”

The bistro's grand opening was Saturday.