BOUNTIFUL, Utah — Bountiful school counselor Kari Harrison knows the challenges some students face outside school every day.
“Some that come to school with problems that are grown up problems, but they are carrying them on their backs and so that affects their ability to do their work well,” she said.
Harrison has done all she can as a counselor at Bountiful Elementary School, leading the Hope Squad program and creating "The Rack" to help families in need.
“The clothing rack was kind of born during COVID and this need for clothes for kids that sometimes were coming to our country and our school with the clothes on their back," Harrison explained, "and so we started soliciting donations from the community."
Davis School District board member Alisa Mercer says her son, now in middle school, continues to reap the benefits of Harrison’s counseling.
“Mrs. Harrison was instrumental in helping him feel safe and loved, and she kept him at school,” she said. “She kept him here and made him feel like he was known and understood.”
On Tuesday, Harrison learned just how much this means to everyone as the district honored her as the 2025 recipient of the "Heidi Martin Mighty Heart Educator of Excellence" Award.
“I feel so overwhelmed,” said Harrison. “I love these kids so much, and I will do anything to help them. We have so many needs at our school.”
Harrison received a $10,000 award to spend at her discretion for the betterment of the school.
“A school having someone that is trained and helping students with their needs, help benefit academics,” said Mercer. “Our academics are strengthened by having those social emotional needs met.”
Harrison is grateful to be recognized for the impact she’s made on the students and to have the support to keep making a difference.
“Public education is not a perfect system," she admitted, "but I appreciate when people will take the time and look at what we are doing with what we have.”