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Local community gathers to remember 12-year-old West Haven boy who died from alleged child abuse


WEST HAVEN, Utah — Family, friends, and former educators of Gavin Peterson gathered together Tuesday night for a candlelight vigil.

The 12-year-old West Haven boy died two weeks ago from alleged child abuse.

The news of his death is particularly heartbreaking for his former teachers and cafeteria employees, who did everything they were supposed to in reporting the abuse.

"It was just traumatic. It's just been heartbreaking to me," said Jann Davis.

Davis used to be a lunch lady at Kanesville Elementary. She said she used to watch Gavin dig through the trash and look for food. She said Gavin was very small for his age and was very thin.

"We didn't know if he had some kind of eating disorder or if he was truly starving," she said.

Davis and another employee began paying for Gavin's school lunches against his stepmother, Nichole Scott's wishes.

"She found out that were paying for his school lunch and she demanded that we quit feeding him school lunch," Davis said.

Scott was arrested last week for child abuse homicide along with Gavin's father, Shane Peterson, and his 21-year-old brother, Tyler Peterson.

Davis reported her concerns twice to state authorities and she wasn't the only one to do so.

"I've heard that the schoolteacher, the school nurse, and the principal also reported him to social services besides the lunch ladies," she said.

The Weber School District confirmed multiple complaints were filed to the Division of Child and Family Services.

"Any additional information or official findings related to these complaints would need to be released by the investigating agency," said a district spokesperson in a statement sent to FOX 13 News.

DCFS told FOX 13 News that its privacy guidelines refrain the department from sharing specific information on the case.

"The loss of any child impacts and devastates us. This is tragic for so many from the family and the community to all of those involved. The Utah Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) works with children and families during some of their most vulnerable moments," said a division spokesperson.

Gavin was eventually removed from the school district almost a year ago and switched over to "homeschooling."

Davis said she'd try to check in with the state to see if Gavin was safe and OK, but they wouldn't tell her anything.

"Not only did DCFS fail him, I think the school district has also failed Gavin," said Davis.

Shane Peterson had his first court appearance on Monday. Nichole Scott and Tyler Peterson's arraignments were Tuesday morning.