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Footage shows Utah drivers ignoring school bus stop arms

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SALT LAKE CITY — Since it’s back-to-school time, the Utah Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Safety are behind a campaign to remind motorists that school buses are back on the road and to pay attention when the stop signs on the buses are activated by the driver.

“It’s horrific, we’re talking kids who are riding these school buses, if you were to drive past and hit one of these kids. It tears everybody apart,” said West Valley City Police Detective Mike Millett.

Nachol Workman is entering her 21st year as a bus driver for the Salt Lake City School District. And while she hasn’t had any students get hurt by a vehicle that ignored the stop signs, she’s she’s had her share of close calls.

“It’s scary. It gets your heart going for sure, puts you on high alert,” said Workman.

Unfortunately over the years, while behind the wheel, Workman has seen more and more motorists ignore school bus warning lights and the stop signs that are designed to keep the students riding the bus safe.

“It’s a big concern, when you’ve got drivers who are really impatient, don’t want to give us our two or three minutes of time to load and unload the children, they pass our lights and it’s a big safety issue,” said Workman.

According to state statistics, year close to 191,000 students relied on school buses to get to and from school – and it's estimated there are over 100,000 violations on an annual basis when it comes to vehicles failing to stop for school buses.

The way law enforcement sees it, the number of violations can come down if drivers simply pay attention and follow the rules of the road.

“If you see the red lights flashing we want you to stop, we want you to stop at least 20 feet from the school bus to allow the kids to get around,” said Millett. “If you see the red stop sign out, make sure you come to a complete stop and remain stopped until the lights turn off and the bus moves.”

Violators can face a $1,000 fine and 20 hours of community service for a first offense — then a $3,000 fine and 40 hours of community service for a third or subsequent offense.

Marcus Swainston, a transportation trainer for the Jordan School District, believes that for the sake of the safety of students, it’s all about motorists showing a little patience.

“We don’t mean to be a huge inconvenience to the general public, but we have to be at that time because we’re protecting the children," he said.

As for Workman, she couldn’t agree more with that sentiment for anyone who gets behind the wheel.

“Please watch out for the yellow school buses. We’re doing our best to keep the kids safe. please help us in keeping the kids safe.”

In addition, new video is showing just how dangerous Utah roads have become due to drivers ignoring safety measures to keep students safe.

Raw video below shows driving ignoring bus stop arms:

School Bus Arms

The Utah Department of Transportation and Department of Public Safety released video taken within the last year showing multiple vehicles driving through school bus stop arms.

In one video, a Morgan County School District bus is seen stopped on the street as a student attempts to cross the road when a car barrels through, honking its horn.

Several videos from the Jordan School District were also shared.

The Utah agencies said there is a "growing concern" about drivers ignoring the school bus stop arms and flashing lights.

Drivers are reminded that it is illegal to fail to stop at school bus stop arms until they are withdrawn and the lights are turned off.