GREEN RIVER, Wyo. — There are now three confirmed deaths in Friday's crash and massive fire that occurred in a freeway tunnel in southwestern Wyoming.
The Wyoming Department of Transportation announced the third fatality Sunday afternoon as they continue clearing the debris and investigating the wreckage in the Green River Tunnel on Interstate 80.
Video below shows smoke coming from the tunnel:
The department said the Wyoming Highway Patrol has cleared about half the vehicles that were involved in the crash and/or the resulting fire. They said they've removed four passenger vehicles and nine commercial vehicles.
WYDOT estimates that a total of 26 vehicles were involved in the crash and fire — 10 passenger vehicles and 16 commercial vehicles.

The agency said they are working with contractors to place barriers in the eastbound tunnel — which was not impacted by the incident — and hope to have it open by Wednesday for a temporary solution for traffic in both directions.
“Thank you to the community of Green River for your support in keeping traffic moving during this thorough and complicated investigation,” WYDOT district engineer John Eddins said in Sunday's announcement. “We know that the detoured traffic was very impactful to your community this weekend, and we will continue to work to minimize impacts.”