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2 bobcats seen in Bountiful backyard

Bountiful Bobcat.jpg
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BOUNTIFUL, Utah — A Bountiful homeowner found two late Thanksgiving guests in her backyard Monday morning.

Leslie Moore saw two bobcats frolicking in her yard, climbing trees and looking for food. Her husband, Chris, shared a photo of one of the bobcats on Twitter.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources also shared the Moore's photos, saying "bobcats are mainly active at dawn and dusk," but sometimes spotted during the day. The DWR did warn those who come in contact with bobcats that the animals can be dangerous to small pets.

The department offered tips on how you can keep yourself and your pets safe from bobcats:

  • Do not approach or feed bobcats.
  • Do not leave pet food and water dishes outside.
  • Supervise your pets when outside.
  • Keep dogs leashed while hiking.
  • Bring your cats and dogs in at night.
  • Do not let your pets “play” with bobcats.
  • Keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date.
  • Provide secure, enclosed shelters for poultry, rabbits and other hobby animals, especially at night.
  • Trim back shrubbery that could be a hiding area for bobcats.
  • Clean up seeds under bird feeders to keep out rodents, which bobcats may prey on.