NewsGreat Salt Lake Collaborative


Tiered water rates, sprinkler head bans considered in Utah legislature

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SALT LAKE CITY — A bill introduced in the Utah State Legislature would move the state toward a more aggressive system of water billing.

House Bill 274, sponsored by Rep. Casey Snider (R-Paradise) would allow cities to set a "tiered" water rate system based on pushing conservation. For some, he told FOX 13 News in a recent interview, it could get very expensive.

"If you use a base amount of water we're going to take care of you and try and price things reasonably," he said. "But if you use an exceptional amount, there needs to be a way to capture that increase and to make people pay proportionally."

Asked how he thought reaction to a surge in water prices would be, Rep. Snider replied: "Looking forward to the discussion."

The bill is based off of a study commissioned by the legislature last year that explored upending how Utahns pay for water in light of crises facing the Great Salt Lake and the Colorado River. A lot of Utahns' water is covered by property taxes, but some lawmakers argue that doesn't cover the true cost of water. However, property taxes also fund critical water infrastructure projects. So the study ultimately recommended more aggressive tiered water pricing.

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The bill specifically calls for rates to force water conservation. Rep. Snider said water is becoming an increasingly precious resource and people should pay for what they use.

"Those individuals that use a lot of water and don't have a problem with it today may find that it might get a little more expensive to continue in that direction," he said.

The League of Cities & Towns, which lobbies for municipal governments on Utah's Capitol Hill, has signaled it is "comfortable" with Rep. Snider's bill. In West Jordan, residents FOX 13 News spoke with had mixed feelings. They live under tiered rates currently.

"I'm OK with tiered if they give us more on the first tier more gallons in the summer months," said Rob Anderson, who said he tries to keep his yard green in the summer and his flower beds watered. "But with that and taxes going up and food costs going up, it's really hard."

Faith Martinez said she tries to be careful with her water use.

"I feel really responsible with water and mostly the financial end of it for us, because it's like if I'm wasting water, I'm just throwing my money away," she said. "I don't want to do that."

Rep. Snider's bill has the support of Brian Steed, the Great Salt Lake Commissioner tasked by Utah political leaders with saving the lake.

"In truth, we can all do better by making sure that we conserve more," he told FOX 13 News.

House Speaker Mike Schultz has put a "pause" on major water legislation, arguing he wants to see what works and what doesn't. That's led to some pushback from people concerned their elected leaders aren't moving quickly enough to address the Great Salt Lake's declines. Over the weekend, hundreds demonstrated at the Utah State Capitol calling for the Speaker to change his position.

But there are still water bills being introduced. Rep. Doug Owens, D-Millcreek, has introduced several bills restricting turf in new residential construction and prohibiting it entirely in new commercial and industrial developments.

"We want people to have grass where they’re going to use it to walk on," he said. " If they don’t? Use a drip system to put in trees and shrubs."

Rep. Owens' House Bill 330 is also proposing to ban sprinkler heads without a pressure regulator to maximize water conservation.

"If you go around and you see people on a windy day and they’re watering with that fine mist that just blows away? If we use a pressure regulated sprinkler head, we can actually get a lot more efficiency," he said. "Save about 10 to 15% of the water that’s used."

There are also funding requests. The legislature is looking to keep funding agriculture water optimization, which offers incentives for farmers and ranchers (the state's top water user) to switch to newer, water-saving technologies. The Great Salt Lake Commissioner is also asking for $650,000 for more air quality monitors across the Wasatch Front to help track dust blowing off the Great Salt Lake.

"If you look at places like Davis County, we really don't have a lot of monitors there and there really is a need to monitor," Steed said. "Then we need to have more monitors here in the Salt Lake Valley, especially on the west side, to make sure we understand what's coming off the lake and where it's coming from."

This article is published through the Great Salt Lake Collaborative, a solutions journalism initiative that partners news, education and media organizations to help inform people about the plight of the Great Salt Lake—and what can be done to make a difference before it is too late. Read all of our stories at