SALT LAKE CITY — It's no secret that Utah is growing at a rapid rate, and in parts of the state, it's causing congestion on our roads. Utah Department of Transportation officials are trying to address some of those concerns, although changes to roadways don't happen overnight.
But one area of concern, Kimball Junction, is seeing traffic backing up onto Interstate 80, causing frustration and potential safety concerns for drivers. "It is an absolute unmitigated disaster," stated one driver, Lora Kinikin.
For the last 3 years, UDOT has been working on narrowing down what was once 30 projects to 3 alternatives that would improve traffic through Kimball Junction. "There is starting to be a lot of congestion; we have safety concerns with the on-ramp traffic its backing into the main line I-80," explained Becky Stromness UDOT's project manager.
Recently, UDOT identified "Alternative C" as their preferred plan for the junction, which would add extra lanes on the I-80 ramps and along SR-224. Also included in the place is a second lane to part of Ute Boulevard and Landmark Drive, a new underpass, new bike lanes, and intersection upgrades.
UDOT officials claim the plan would save money, "The biggest factor was that alternative c had a much lower price tag for a similar operational benefit, a much lower price tag," Stormness stated.
But nothing is set in stone just yet. The $41 million project still needs to go through a public comment period, including a series of hearings. If implemented, UDOT says it would improve the junction for use through 2050.
UDOT is hosting two public meetings in April on the project, and the public comment period runs until April 28th. You can make comments or find meeting information here.