SANDY, Utah — A woman with seven previous DUI arrests was arrested for an eighth time in Sandy, with police finding several open containers and medications in her car, police said.
After the woman was stopped by Sandy police, officers checked her record and found the previous arrests, including two felony DUIs. During the stop, the unidentified driver recorded a Blood Alcohol Content level of .265, more than 5 times the legal limit in Utah.
Police shared a photo of the arrest showcasing the open containers of alcohol in her car, as well as numerous pill bottles of which several were identified as "impairing" medications.
In the arrest documents, officers wrote that the woman "has no regard for the judicial system, or the safety of the community," adding that "she is a clear and present danger to the public and it is only a matter of time before she kills or substantially injures a member of our community.
The woman was arrested and remains in jail without bail.
The arrest comes weeks after another DUI incident in Sandy where a mother on the way to a parent-teacher conference with her three young children slammed into a mailbox and found to have a Blood Alcohol Content level more than 7 times the state limit.