

Police say man is 'Prime' suspect in Amazon truck theft

Posted 6:53 PM, Jan 25, 2022
and last updated 3:03 AM, Jan 26, 2022

SANDY, Utah — Northern Utah residents wondering why their Amazon packages were recently delayed may now have an answer.

The Sandy Police Department tweeted out the photo of a suspect they say stole an entire Amazon delivery truck. Not just the packages inside... the whole truck.

Police said the theft happened around Jan. 7 near 600 East and Stone Fly Drive when the suspect jumped into the truck and drove away. However, he didn't get far when he realized there was a camera pointed at him, causing him to jump out and run.

Investigators said there were a few packages missing, but was unaware of their value. Police say this time of year is prime time for these crimes of opportunity.

"When the weather gets cold, we tend to go out early in the morning, start our cars, let them warm up because no one wants to be uncomfortable getting into a cold car," said Sgt. Greg Moffitt.

Anyone with information on the suspect or the truck should contact Sandy police at 801-799-3000.