

Kearns Community Council trailer, equipment stolen from storage facility


KEARNS, Utah — A utility trailer with thousands of dollars worth of equipment was taken from a storage facility in Kearns earlier this week.

The trailer, which belongs to the Kearns Community Council, was at the storage facility near 6200 South and 4800 West and Sunday.

Council Chair Paula Larsen said at that time, the trailer was still there.

"When I was there yesterday, Wednesday, and left about 9:00 a.m., it was gone," said Larsen.

Larsen said someone whoever took the trailer got into the enclosed area where it was stored and cut the lock. Inside of that trailer was equipment that Kearns Community Council leaders said is valuable.

"We're guessing $25-$30,000 worth of equipment including the trailer," said Larsen.

Council Co-Chair Roger Snow, who regularly packs and unpacks the trailer, said there were numerous items inside.

"Probably 100 chairs, four eight foot tables, two six foot folding tables, two eight burner barbecues, four barbecue tanks, all our American flags that we do." said Snow.

Also inside were countless other items used for about 10-12 community events every year.

The council said it took about 10 years and taxpayer money from the roughly 38,000 people who live in Kearns to accrue all of the equipment.

"That's what makes it so heart wrenching, is that it's, you know, it's the community's property, it's the communities equipment, it's the communities event equipment," said Snow.

The same sentiment was echoed by police.

"This case, what makes it unique, is the fact that the victim is every resident in Kearns, every resident pays their taxes," said Deputy Chief Levi Hughes with the Unified Police Department.

With pictures of both the trailer and the truck, police are hopeful who took the equipment.

"We're hot on the trail here, we're going to find the ones who did this," said Hughes.

A statement Larsen and the council is hopes will come true.

"We want the trailer back and we want the contents of the trailer back, it belongs to the Kearns community," said Larsen.

Anyone with information about the stolen trailer is asked to contact police at (801)-840-4000.