SALT LAKE CITY — Immunization records have become much more vital as COVID-19 vaccines have rolled out for the public, but Utah has a system that consolidates this information into one record in addition to any "proof of vaccination card."
The Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS) is a free, confidential, web-based information system that contains immunization histories for Utah residents of all ages. USIIS consolidates immunizations from doctors, hospitals, and other authorized providers into one centralized record.
This information helps healthcare providers, schools, child care centers and Utah residents maintain consolidated immunization histories to help prevent future outbreaks. Utah mandates that immunizations be reported to this system to protect public health and prevent future disease outbreaks.
For example, schools can determine which vaccines are current or overdue for students and prepare immunization reports more easily as required to for pubic health purposes.
Those wishing to opt-out of the system can do so as well by clicking here.