
Salt Lake City 2034 representatives celebrate Olympics announcement from Paris


PARIS, France — It was an unforgettable moment in an unforgettable city.

The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics may start on Friday, but Wednesday was a gold medal day for the members of the Salt Lake City-Utah 2034 delegation — a well-deserved celebration after 12 years of hard work.

"The pioneer spirit is about people who come together in hard times to build community. It's different in Utah," said Gov. Spencer Cox.

The Salt Lake City-Utah 2034 delegation's victory party after the IOC’s overwhelming vote of support paid tribute to to Utahns far and wide, and the fact that so many back home showed their support wasn’t lost on the governor.  

"Man, Utah is cool. It’s different. It's different," Cox said.

So many people played a role in secure the Games' return — including former gold medalists like Lindsey Vonn.

"2002 was my first Olympics. It was right after 9/11. It was such an emotional Games. Walking in the opening ceremonies, the energy was so electric and I felt so unified," Vonn said. "To have everything come full circle and for me to help bring the Games back, it's such an honor."
Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall, who is also part of the delegation in Paris, got emotional when she saw her city celebrating from afar.

"That was the most meaningful, heartfelt part for me — when they flashed that live screen at Washington Square. It was hard to choke back the tears because we could feel the excitement and the love. It's in our DNA, and I love you all for being there. We're bringing the Games back home," Mendenhall said. "There's been a lot of hard work. Our team performed really well, but its the people of the state of Utah and Salt Lake City."

The leader of the SLC-UT 2034 team was Fraser Bullock.

"In the Olympics and Paralympics, it’s a long game with a capital L," said the CEO of the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games. "You have to be patient, you have to work through the issues that come and go and be ready for anything, as we just saw, and we have been and we navigated every issue to be able to get the Games."

This celebration was earned, and while lots of work remains before the Games in 2034, this day will be remembered for rekindling Utah's Olympic glory.

"We’re gonna celebrate," Bullock said.

"We're gonna celebrate, that's it," Cox echoed. "We're just gonna party, and you should party, too."

The fun isn't over for the Utah delegation in France. On Thursday morning, they will hold an event with the Youth Sports Alliance. First Lady Abby Cox will be there, along with six young athletes from Utah, who will get to meet athletes from all across the world.