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How students at West High School can earn money while helping kitchen staff

Posted 2:23 PM, Feb 12, 2025
and last updated 1:20 PM, Feb 13, 2025

SALT LAKE CITY — Students are earning a paycheck and learning job skills while helping the lunch line move smoothly at West High School. The school employs about a dozen students as lunch aides. Their primary duty is to serve plates of food for breakfast and lunch to other students.

They earn roughly $12.50 for each shift which lasts between 20-30 minutes. If a student decides to work both breakfast and lunch shifts, they can earn up to $25 a day. “It gives me the opportunity to be financially responsible and practice being smart with my money,” said Peyton Sundwall, a junior at the school.

Peyton, who takes several advanced placement courses, plays sports, and participates in clubs is thankful for the opportunity to earn some money in his free time at school. With so many commitments, he likely wouldn’t be able to have an after-school job. “I am able to do everything,” he said.

Peyton’s co-workers took the job for similar reasons. “I have time to do wrestling,” said West High junior Noah Bagnall. “I am in a play right now as Romeo. It gets you a lot more time to spend with family.”

The students undergo an application process that includes reference checks. In many cases, a counselor or teacher can provide a reference.

Kitchen manager Tonya Slaughter is proud of the work ethic, conscientiousness, and growth of her student employees. “I don’t think I have ever had one come in with a bad attitude. They also know school comes first,” Slaughter said. “A lot of times they stay longer than they have to because they like being here.”

The student workers encourage others to apply. “I can’t stress how awesome this is,” said Nadine Panther, a junior. “It gives you a sense of freedom. Gives you a gateway to say, ‘oh yea, I had a job.’”

Slaughter says the program is available at all high schools in the Salt Lake City School District. Applications will soon open for the 2025-2026 school year. Students must be at least 16 years old to hold the job.