SALT LAKE CITY — Out of all the cool schools we've been to, this one has the "whittiest people" because Whittier Elementary in Salt Lake City is our Cool School of the Week. "This is such a cool school because you get to learn and the teachers are so nice," said one student leader.
"We treat each other with dignity, and most of all the students, and the staff, and the community as a whole, we work together," said school principal Dr. Bri Conley.
In the school entrance, you see the beautiful original school sign from 1910, but upstairs music students performed a well-planned medley. "We love the 5th and 6th grade music students here because we get to sing twice a week in Salt Lake City, so they really make progress and get good quickly," said one music teacher.
In another classroom downstairs students are doing hands-on science. "This science is really special because the students, it sparks their curiosity doing hands-on science," one science teacher said. "We get to learn about different phenomena and explore them."
"I love science because it's really cool and you can learn a whole bunch of stuff," added one student.
In the gym you'll find what I call the definition of a cuteness overload — 2nd graders dancing to a piano! The program is in collaboration with Tanner Dance through the University of Utah and students at Whittier Elementary get time at school to dance and learn. "They get to embody what they've been learning in the classroom, so they're learning American symbols and they get to dance out American symbols," said one 2nd grade teacher.
As great as the learning that happens during the school day is at Whittier Elementary, they also have after-school chess! "They mostly just play their friends and have fun doing it, but we try to teach them some lessons about strategy and tactics," said one parent volunteer.
"It's fun, I get to play with my friends and my dad is a volunteer," added one student.
At the end of the morning, Granite Credit Union surprised two very deserving teachers with a donation: Special Education teachers Dr. Moses and Mr. Weavil. "You two are so passionate and dedicated to caring about these students you do so much, and these kids are amazing, we're thrilled to be here with you and honored to give you this recognition," said Granite Credit Union Marketing Director, Spencer Carver.
"Teaching is a work of heart so when you do what you love every day and someone recognizes that it's just overwhelming, so thank you," said Dr. Jaki Moses.
If you know a cool school, you can email nominations to or fill out the nomination form.