

Candy Cane Corner donations set to bring joy to families needing holiday lift

Posted 11:44 PM, Dec 04, 2023
and last updated 12:44 AM, Dec 05, 2023

SALT LAKE CITY — Days after the spirit of Utah came through for FOX 13's Candy Cane Corner to help make the season bright for less fortunate families across the state, the donations were unloaded at the Utah Opera warehouse.

"Today's like pure Christmas joy," said Karissa Guthrie, Community Relations Coordinator for The Road Home. "It's pure happiness. It's pure excitement."

Guthrie and others were overjoyed knowing that the community is here to support those that are the most vulnerable.

"I think it makes people feel good and it should make them feel good," said Guthrie.

When the thousands of donations were spread out it the warehouse, it was a sight to see.

Candy Cane Corner is an annual campaign to help those down on their luck or needing some extra assistance this year. The donations will now be packaged up and taken to families in need, and that's a moment that becomes very emotional for all involved.

"Screaming and hollering because people are so excited," explained Guthrie. "It's peace. But it's also a lot of excitement because people are just excited to have Christmas and know that the holidays are here.

Among the donations are tons of toys for every girl and boy, with things like skateboards, He-Man action figures and basketballs. Hot Wheels, Barbies, Barbies, and more Barbies. 

But there's one thing they still need and that's diapers of every shape and size to give to all of the kids.

"We provide diapers to every child that needs them and we have very limited amounts right now, so we would love our community to bring any size from newborn to pull-ups," added Guthrie.

Wrapping paper and wipes are also on this years wish list that still need to be fulfilled.

But whatever is donated, its a great feeling to be involved.

"I think it's just a sense of fulfillment," said Guthrie. I mean, we had a woman that her children were all grown and she said I got so much excitement, just shopping for kids."

So for those who have a little extra to give back, consider donating to Candy Cane Corner. It means more for those in need this holiday season.

"Even if it's just a $5 donation, you're contributing to making this holiday season better for someone," Guthrie explained.

CLICK HERE to donate to Candy Cane Corner.