CommunityDream Team


Dream Team: Utah woman reunited with ailing mother in Michigan


SOUTH SALT LAKE, Utah — Samantha Torres is a busy, working mom. But lately, her thoughts have been on her own mom, Wendy, who lives in Michigan.

Wendy is battling stage four breast cancer.

A friend of Samantha’s knew she was struggling to afford plane tickets and travel details and nominated her for a Dream Team surprise.

We caught up with Samantha outside of her workplace, R & F Mart in South Salt Lake, where the Dream Team surprised her with the funds to fly to Michigan.

It was a very emotional experience for everyone involved.

The surprise was filmed a month ago. Since then, Samantha has been to see her mother, Wendy, and she was able to take two children with her to meet their grandmother in person for the first time.

If you know someone who could use a visit from the Dream Team, fill out the nomination form here. Tell us the story of the person you are nominating, as it might be told on television, and suggest a gift.

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