CommunityDream Team


Dedicated crossing guard gets a Dream Team surprise

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SALT LAKE CITY — Alana Reid is a crossing guard for Mountain View Elementary School who is making the world brighter, one kid at a time.

Alana knows the names of many of the students and families she serves, and she even keeps treats in her pocket for neighborhood dogs.

Wendy Turner, who owns the Hook and Ladder Café just around the corner from the school, nominated Alana for a Dream Team surprise.

“We live in a diverse neighborhood. She makes it so the kids don’t feel different, and we’re all in this together,” said Turner of Alana.

Wendy asked for Alana to receive a warm winter coat to keep her comfortable on the job. So on a recent school day, the FOX 13 Dream Team got to see Alana in action and surprised her at the end of her shift.

“Why do you do what you do?” asked Bob Evans.

“I love the kids. I could just squeeze all of them said,” Alana replied.

Alana was then introduced to gifts from our Dream Team partners, including a Thanksgiving turkey, the warm new coat Wendy asked for, and $1,000!

Alana says she’ll share her gifts with family members, and that she hopes to continue working as a crossing guard for many years to come.

If you know someone who could use a visit from the Dream Team, fill out the nomination form. Tell us the story of the person you are nominating, as it might be told on television, and suggest a gift.

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