Tuesday, November 5, 2024 is general election day in Utah and across the United States. Among the many positions on the ballot are the President, one U.S. Senate seat, all four of the state's seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, Attorney General, and various other state and local offices.

Register to Vote

To register to vote in the next election, you must make one of these deadlines:

ONLINE: Friday, October 25, 2024

BY MAIL: Requests must be received by Friday, October 25, 2024

IN-PERSON: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (Election Day)

Records of those who have moved are automatically updated when voters renew their driver's license or changes their driver's license address. Election offices use the National Change of Address database to identify voters who have moved. Voters are inactivated if they had not updated their address or have had mail returned as undeliverable. Inactive voters are notified that they must verify or update their address before receiving a ballot.

Absentee Voting

Utah voters who who need a ballot mailed to a location other than their registration address, an application showing the alternate address must be received 11 days before Election Day.

Early Voting

Early voting for Utah voters begins on October 22, 2024 and ends four days before the election on Friday, November 1.

Voters should check with their individual counties to determine the location of early voting locations.

Polls will be open for at least 4 hours each early voting day and will close at 5 p.m. on the last early voting day.

If you’re eligible to vote in Utah but have not yet registered, you can register and vote at your polling place during early voting.

For Utah voters with disabilities, polling locations have machines that offer accommodations for voters who have visual or hearing impairments. To use an accessible voting machine, inform a poll worker when you arrive. If you would like assistance while voting, you may ask a poll worker or choose any individual to assist you except for your employer, a trade union representative, or a candidate.

In-Person Voting

Polls for in-person voting are open across Utah from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day