

Video shows California daycare worker pouring water on sleeping 18-month-old child


ALPINE, Calif. – A social media post that apparently shows a Southern California daycare worker pouring water on a sleeping toddler has prompted an investigation.

The incident happened at the Alpine Children’s Academy in east San Diego County, sheriff’s officials said. An employee allegedly posted footage of herself pouring water on the 18-month-old’s face on Snapchat with the caption “good morning.”

The video shows the startled child cringing and jerking awake.

“It’s horrible, it’s absolutely disturbing. I actually think we’re all in shock about it,” one mother said.  “It’s really sad and how dare they, how dare they do that to a baby.”

“Someone has to be an advocate for these little guys,” another mom noted. “That little girl can’t talk and can’t go home and tell her mom.”

The day care’s owner, Hunan Arshakian, said that the baby wasn’t injured, adding that he didn’t know why the employee would do such a thing.

Arshakian sent the following statement to KSWB:

“(We are) saddened and disturbed that such a horrific abuse occurred to one of our dear children at our school. The actions in this video are disgusting and we do not tolerate any of this type of behavior. The responsible parties have been terminated.”

Both the employee and the person said to have filmed the act have been fired. Neither person has been publicly identified, but Arshakian said they are both in their 20s and one is the daughter of the school’s director.

The sheriff’s office is investigating the case and charges are possible.

The toddler’s parents said they would be keeping their child at the day care after hearing that the two works had been fired, according to Arshakian.