The Place


Why a good credit card can be the superhero of your wallet


You can be card savvy this summer -- if you know why a good credit card can be the superhero of your wallet.

Tony Rasmussen, VP of Financial Education at Mountain America Credit Union, joined us with some ways to do that.

First: earn rewards and cash back.  Using credit cards for everyday spends can be a great way to save money for an upcoming vacation or holiday spending; 'Think debit, use credit'.  Paying off your credit cards bi-weekly, weekly or even daily is a great way to earn rewards and stay on budget.

Second: use a card that is not attached to your checking account.  That can give you peace of mind if there is an issue with the card or a transaction; the money in your checking will not be tied up while the issue is resolved.

Third: build or boost your credit score.  Paying off the card frequently and not carrying a balance (or keeping the balance at about 30 percent or less of the limit) can be a great way to boost your credit score.

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