If you're looking for a way to get your kids and tweens off screens this Spring and Summer, check out TAG Ranch.
"The technology savvy generation will learn to play and let their imagination rule the day," said TAG representatives, Malia Robinson and Stef Player.
They said the the mission of TAG Ranch and Foundation is to provide the youth of Utah with a safe, educational and life-enhancing environment to develop skills that make for more productive, confident & compassionate adults.
They said, "TAG is all about empowering kids and inspiring them to tap into their personal power through leadership, teamwork and responsibility."
To demonstrate how kids 8 through 12 play and work on a real ranch, we got to try one of their popular activities: Horse painting.
Their camps also feature working with and riding horses, roping, rounding up our mini cows, expressing themselves through art, bull riding (not a real bull, of course), low profile ropes course, yoga, Team Empower Hour, and much more.
"All kids will be winners on the field, find their innate ability to express themselves artistically and learn the power of responsibility when they are charged with caring for a horse, participating in the team dynamic, all within the freedom and safety of the ranch," they said.
Find out more at tagranch.com or by calling 801-414-5131.