Every monthCyprus Credit Union and FOX 13 surprise a teacher of the month with a $1,000.00 check. They get $500.00 to spend on their classroom and $500.00 to spend on themselves.
This month's Teacher of The Month is Jenny Lundeberg from Viewmont Elementary School.
Jamie Cheney, whose child is in Jenny's class, said: "'You can achieve superhero status!' These words can be heard echoing outside of Mrs. Lundeberg's third grade classroom. She repeats, 'You are important, you have special powers.' And because her students are superheroes, they don't do things the ordinary way: They don't have desks, they sit on exercise balls, stools, and cushions, of which Mrs. Lundeberg personally purchased. Mrs. Lundeberg will often take her entire lunch break to chat with a struggling student in the hall or help a 6th grader with math. While on paper these may not be 'her students' Mrs. Lundeberg's superpowers extend to all students."
Karalee Kalikakis also sent in a nomination, stating: "If you happen to attend a school assembly, you can't miss Mrs. Lundeberg enthusiastically dancing and passionately singing (belting) to the school song set to the music of 'Eye Of The Tiger.' Mrs. Lundeberg's enthusiasm and confidence is contagious. She has changed and impacted so many students' lives, especially the life of my grandson!"
3 of Mrs. Lundeberg's sons attend the school, and were there to help us present their mom with the $1000 check.
You can nominate a teacher at www.fox13now.com or www.cypruscu.com.