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American flag with guns, rifles on it bringing controversy to Logan resident

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LOGAN, Utah — A Logan resident says he is surprised that a flag he bought with rifles and guns on it is drawing so much attention in Logan.

Chet Nelson, who has lived in Logan for two years, said that he and his wife were at a festival when they saw the flag. They thought it was cool, so they bought it.

Nelson said he was surprised by the reaction the flag got. In the past week, he said the flag has drawn attention, prompting a local newspaper to report about it.

“I just thought it was a cool flag,” Nelson said. “But, I guess it’s in support of the Second Amendment.”

He said he wasn’t into politics, but he worked for a company in Salt Lake City that manufactured rifles, which made him appreciate and love guns more.

“People assume that any rifle that looks like an ‘assault rifle’ is an assault rifle,” Nelson said. “Assault is a verb. It’s just an automatic rifle.”

Nelson said he didn’t understand how the article could state that the flag looked like an ISIS flag. He said the flag was straightforward and didn’t know what the big deal was.

“That’s the question I guess,” he said. “Guns aren’t scary.”