The Place


Teacher of the Month: Jon Lindberg

and last updated

Every month Cyprus Credit Union and FOX 13 surprise a teacher of the month with a $1,000.00 check.  They get $500.00 to spend on their classroom and $500.00 to spend on themselves.

This month's Teacher of The Month is Jon Lindberg from Lehi Junior High School.

This was the nomination sent in for Mr. Lindberg, from a parent whose son is in his class:

"Lindberg, as he's called by all around him, is too good to be for real. But he is for real. As a life skills (special education) teacher in in a fast-growing area, Lindberg shows an incredible amount of dedication to his special needs students. He creates special programs designed to engage them where they find passion. His own words speak volumes on his commitment: 'I'm a firm believer in kids learning that, regardless of what personal problems we have in life, we need to learn to accept them, and to keep pressing forward.' He is the real deal, and deserves to be Teacher of the Month."

Principal Kevin Thomas also sent in a nomination:

"Jon just completed a Master`s degree in Education.
Jon Married his high school sweetheart... Melanie, they have 2 boys Nick & AJ
Jon`s students love him unconditionally, and he loves them right back. His classes are amazing! Jon rewards them when learning new skills or finishing a tough assignment and recognizes them for their accomplishments! The smiles are never ending. His and theirs.
Jon does awesome activities with his class, teaching students many social skills inside as well as outside of the classroom
They take nature walks around the building observe nature and what it has to offer.
Teaches educational subjects as well as social skills, cooking & personal hygiene among many others.
Teaching them how to measure in the kitchen and make simple things to eat during class.
They do community activities to build and stretch them and make their learning applicable including:
• Shopping at the mall
• Breakfast at IHOP
• Grocery shopping
• Fishing Days
Jon is a great asset to our school and staff. He does amazing things for these students. They don`t make them any better."

You can nominate a teacher at or