Station InitiativesDream Team


Deaf Utahn losing his sight gets amazing surprise from the Fox 13 Dream Team

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Brandon Furgeson was born with a rare genetic disorder called Wolfram Syndrome. As a result, he has always been deaf and was diagnosed with diabetes at a young age.

Now, at age 27, he is going blind.

With the help of his supportive family, Brandon takes these challenges in stride.

He has an upbeat attitude and loves to joke. Brandon also bowls on a deaf league, consistently scoring over 200 per game even though he can no longer see the pins.

Brandon’s grandmother, Susan Romano, nominated him and his service dog ‘Tank’ for a Fox 13 Dream Team surprise. The dog is becoming a true lifeline, learning to guide Brandon and even listen for alerts from his insulin pump.

Service Dog Trainer Krysta Jones, who works for local company Ty the Dog Guy, says Brandon and Tank are a perfect match.

Jones said Brandon and his family have already put in countless hours to help train the lab, who still has months of specialized training ahead.

The Fox 13 Dream Team, along with Fox 13 Meteorologist Brek Bolton—who is fluent in American Sign Language—pulled off quite a surprise.

Watch the video to see what happened.

If you know someone who could use a visit from the Fox 13 Dream Team, fill out the nomination form here.

Tell us the story of the person you are nominating, as it might be told on TV, and suggest a gift that could make a difference in their life.

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