The Place


The New Mahindra Roxor is an Affordable Off-Roading Beauty

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The Mahindra Roxor is a new side-by-side off-roading beauty that can tackle even the toughest off-road terrain, yet are easy to drive, and better yet - easy to afford!

They'll run you around $20,000, and you could add the street-legal kit to get even more usage.

Indian automaker Mahindra has been building these types of vehicles since the 1940s. But now, they come equipped with a five-speed turbo-diesel, plenty of torque and extra horsepower to suit both the modern leisure driver and adrenaline junkie alike.

Amanda went out to Fivemile Pass recreation area, where she got to test them out with Shawn and Ken from Moto United, a chain of power-sports stores here in Utah and beyond. Make sure you check out their selection of Roxors before the rest of the state catches on! And bonus, they're having a huge moving sale here this November 2018.

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