The Place


How to discover the costume you already have in your closet

Posted at 2:36 PM, Oct 22, 2018
and last updated 2018-10-22 16:37:08-04

The trick to putting together a quick Halloween costume isn't a trick at all -- not when you start with the pieces you already have in your closet.

Stylist Dani Slaugh joined The PLACE with some last-minute costume ideas that are quick, easy and inexpensive.

  1. Sailor pants and striped tee for a sailor costume
  2. Spy costume made using a trench coat
  3. Grease monkey using a jumpsuit
  4. Striped pants and black blazer for a gangster costume

Dani says if you look with a bit of creativity, you'll find a costume already in your closet!

See more of her ideas at: