The Place


New Housing Community Coming to Bluffdale


It's no secret it's a seller's market in our state right now, but a new community in Bluffdale is putting buyer's back in control.

Woodside Homes is opening Day Ranch soon in Bluffdale, where they say they are catering to the customer's experience.

Claire Larson, Sales and Marketing Director, and Quintin Mortensen, a Sales Professional stopped by The Place to tell us about the ways they make it easy for buyers - especially first-time buyers - to design and own new homes.

At Day Ranch, you can check out new model homes and a new phase in Stillwater Solitude community, or a new model and horse properties in Skyview. Or choose from one of Woodside's 13 other communities along the Wasatch Front.

Want to start planning your dream home?  Check out Woodside Homes' new Inspiration Gallery where buyers can explore all the design options.

For more info, visit or call 801-474-7904