Ms. McVey with Hunter High School in West Valley City is known for her teaching style that doesn't just prepare kids for tests but arms them with knowledge and skills that can be used for the rest of their lives.
"I just love the way she teaches," a student said. "She's a great teacher. She's honestly my favorite teacher here."
Ms. McVey also coaches the school's tennis team and is an assistant coach for the basketball team. She hopes to use some of the money she received as the teacher of the month to improve her classroom, by buying models and new learning materials that will help her students succeed.
"Ms. McVey is truly an amazing teacher," said Craig Stauffer, the principal of Hunter High School. "She's spent so much with the kids and working with them, not only in classes but with extra-curricular activities. She is actually one who has our highest growth scores in the Granite School District."
If you would like to recognize an exceptional teacher CLICK HERE to nominate them for Cyprus Credit Union's Teacher of the Month.