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Author Jason Wright’s new novel and Giving a Lift videos


Jason Wright, author of our book club pick last December, Christmas Jars, has a special treat inside the new edition of his book.

Just in time for the holiday season, Christmas Jars now comes in a special edition that includes some amazing and tear-jerking true Christmas jar stories.

The concept behind Christmas Jars is that by yourself, or as a family, fill up a jar with all of your loose change, and once it's full, anonymously give it to someone who is in need.

It's a simple but powerful way to give to those who need a little help this holiday season. He also has a new book coming out which he co-wrote titled Picturing Christmas. 

Jason Wright is not only known for his Christmas novel, but for his famous Facebook videos as well. His "Giving a Lift" videos started to go viral after he started to film the stories of the hitchhikers or homeless of people who he gives rides to.

To watch some his videos or for more information on his books, visit his Facebook page by searching JFWBooks.