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Woods Cross Police Department ‘Santa Squad’ aims at foiling ‘Porch Pirates’


WOODS CROSS – The Woods Cross Police department is fighting back against so called, ‘Porch Pirates.’

For the first time, officers are allowing Woods Cross residents to have their packages delivered to a safe place - the Woods Cross Police Department.

“We have people who are victims of thefts around the holidays and it does, it ruins their Christmas,” said Lt. Adam Osoro, Woods Cross Police Department. “What a better way to help out Santa getting the packages out to people who deserve them during Christmas time.”

The “Santa Squad” says for the month of December residents can sign up for the free service.

You can call (801) 292-4422, sign up at the police department at 1555 S. 800 west or online.

Osoro doesn’t know how many people will take them up on this offer, but they have plenty of room and manpower to handle your holiday packages.

“Liability is always a concern when doing something like this," Osoro said.  "Why stop a positive program from happening?  We’re confident we can keep the packages safe and we think it will be good for our community.”

Residents appreciate the thoughtful gesture and commended officers.

“I think that’s awesome!”Austin Vanderdelpen said.

Lindsey Nelsen and her husband own a clothing company where they ship all over the world.  She says her customers are constantly having packages stolen, and thinks having police intercept packages can make a big difference.

“I think it’s a great option that people can go pick them up and they aren’t going to be worried about them being taken off of their porch.”